Happy November!
With renewal season officially underway, please contact the office for details about how to stay with us for another year. We’re looking forward to another great year with you.
Maintenance Tips
As fall weather approaches us, we may experience some colder temperatures. If you turn on your heater, you may experience a burning smell — but don’t panic. The accumulated dust is the cause of that smell. If it continues, contact the office. If you have any service requests, just put in a work order via your portal, or by calling or stopping by the office during office hours.
Reminders & Updates
Want to stay updated? Text REPUBLIC to 47464 to opt in to our text messages. You will receive emergency notifications as well as updates on events and maintenance.
Make sure to follow us:
Twitter: republicatSH
Instagram: liveatrepublic
Facebook: Republic at Sam Houston
Pinterest: The Republic
Snapchat: liveatrepublic
Building a Career in College
College is such a busy, crazy time for many people that focusing on the here and now is all most can do. Well, good news! There are several ways to incorporate career building into your everyday busy life. By taking the following steps, you’ll be on your way to creating a successful future for yourself:
- Visit your university’s career center. Employers are focusing more and more on experience and skills rather than just good grades. Get in touch with organizations through the career center to branch out and participate in different activities you normally wouldn’t have. This gives you a chance to explore your major and others, and see what you’re truly passionate about.
- Evaluate yourself. Your future employer will want to know why you’re a good fit for their company. College is about finding your strengths and weaknesses — take time now to figure out your skills, values, personality traits, and interests. Learning about yourself will help prepare you for interviews when you’re hit with the question, “What do you think you will excel at the most in this position?”
- Challenge yourself. The more you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone, the more likely you’re to overcome your weaknesses. Apply for the part-time job at your apartment complex you normally wouldn’t apply for, or take that theater class you’ve always wanted to take. By challenging yourself, you’re building important skills and personality traits that will help you rise within your field.
- Take your work seriously. Whether you have a part-time job or volunteer, take the experience seriously. You can use previous supervisors for references when you are beginning your career. It will pay off in the long run to succeed in the workplace by building useful skills that you’ll have for life.
- Find a mentor. Find someone who is doing what you want to do. You can search on LinkedIn to get connected and network with others in your field who are also passionate about what they do. Talk to your professors and pick their brains as to why they chose the career they did. Once you find a mentor, everything can change. You become more motivated to succeed in something you love doing because you have someone who makes the experience a million times better.
Community Events
No Shave November — All Month — Time for a beard-growing contest! The best beard will win a $10 gift card, and we’ll donate $40 to an accredited cancer charity of their choice!
Canned Goods Drive — November 1–20 — Bring canned goods to the office during our office hours to be donated to the Good Shepherd Mission.
Republic Suggestion Box — November 6–10 — Come down to the office and give us your best suggestions for events and things you would like around the property.
Pizza Day — Friday, November 10 from noon–3 p.m. — If you come by the front office wearing a Sam Houston State shirt, you can get a free slice of pizza while supplies last!
5v5 Dodgeball Tournament — Tuesday, November 14 from 6–7 p.m. — Join us at the basketball court to duck, dip, dive, and dodge! It’s time for some dodgeball! Who’s coming home with the prize? Winners will receive $5 Bahama Buck’s gift cards!
Thanksgiving Dinner — Wednesday, November 15 from 6:30–8 p.m. — Come enjoy a catered sit-down turkey dinner with us in the clubhouse.
National Fast Food Day — Thursday, November 16 from 1–2 p.m. — Let’s celebrate National Fast Food Day by ordering Pita Pit. The first 7 people to comment on our Instagram post will have food delivered to their front door.
3v3 Basketball Tournament — Thursday, November 16 from 5:30–7 p.m. — It’s that time of year! Basketball season is up and running, so there’s no better way to celebrate than by having our own basketball tournament! Who’s coming home with the prize? Winners will receive a $10 Academy gift card.
November Birthdays — Friday, November 17 from noon–7 p.m. — We’ll be delivering personal birthday cards to each resident’s door who has a November birthday. We’ll also have a treat for them in the front office.