Happy February 2018!
With renewal season deadline approaching fast, don’t forget to renew your lease with us today. Contact the office for details about how to stay with us for another year.
Focus on Career Success
Whether you are a sophomore looking at internships or a senior getting ready for that first job after graduation, the spring semester brings added pressure as you seek to set yourself apart and set yourself up for success.
Here are five tips to keep you moving forward on a career success track:
Tip #1: The key to getting hired is selling yourself better than the other candidates. What’s your pitch? Practice concise ways to share your value and what you are looking for.
Tip #2: Your resume’s only job is to get your foot in the door! Have it critiqued at the career center.
Tip #3: Google yourself: What does your online presence tell future employers? Are you focusing on your online brand? Your potential employer is! Work on shaping your presence online and off.
Tip #4: Come up with EVERY reason an employer might not hire you — and an answer for each objection. For example, “What I lack in relevant experience, I make up for with my drive and proven ability to learn new things quickly.”
Tip #5: Learn from the best! Find people doing what you want to do and doing it well — and ask them for guidance. It’ll be well worth your time and perhaps a few cups of coffee to do informational interviews with others on their success stories.
These tips are obviously just the tip of the iceberg. Watch out for career success experiences here at your community. Whether you want feedback on your pitch or need someone to critique your resume, let us know how we can help you and connect you with resources to assist in your success!
Speaking of career success, did you know that as a resident of a Campus Advantage property you have FREE access to our exclusive Career Success Portal? Browse millions of jobs, including over 500,000 unique job postings, build your resume, practice your interviewing skills, and much more. To access the Career Success Portal, visit your resident portal and look for the sign-up link!
Maintenance Tips
Check your air filters and batteries for your smoke detectors.
If you have a service request, just put in a work order via your portal, or by calling or stopping by the office during office hours.
Reminders & Updates:
Want to stay updated? Text REPUBLIC to 47464 to opt in to our text messages. You will receive emergency notifications as well as updates on events and maintenance.
Make sure to follow us:
Twitter: republicatSH
Instagram: liveatrepublic
Facebook: Republic at Sam Houston
Pinterest: The Republic
Snapchat: liveatrepublic
Community Events
National Wear Red Day — Friday, February 2 from noon–6 p.m. — February 2 serves as a day to raise awareness about heart disease, the number one killer of women in America. Come into the office wearing red, and you’ll receive a Big Red float!
Sunday Showdown — Sunday, February 4 from 5:15–7 p.m. — We’ll be watching the game of all games in the clubhouse to see who will be crowned champion.
Breakfast Bar — Wednesday, February 7 from 10:30 a.m.–noon — Stop by the clubhouse on your way to class and enjoy breakfast on us!
Valentine’s Day Bingo — Thursday, February 8 from 6–7 p.m. — Come down to the clubhouse and play bingo to win prizes for you and your loved one!
Guess How Many Skittles — February 12–22 — If you have the best guessing skills, come to the office for a chance to test that theory with a jar of Skittles. The winner will receive a $50 Buffalo Wild Wings gift card.
Sugar Rush — Tuesday, February 13 from 6–7 p.m. — If you have any sweet-tooth cravings, we’ll have what your heart desires in the clubhouse — delicious sweets and treats for you to enjoy!
Valentine’s Sweets — Wednesday, February 14 from 1–4 p.m. — Let us get you in the valentine spirit with some tasty treats in the front office.
How Well Do You Know Your Roommate? — Tuesday, February 20 from 5–5:30 p.m. — Do you think you know your roommate? Do you think you have a chance to win this competition? Well, come down to the clubhouse for a chance to win the ultimate roommate gift basket!
February Birthdays — February 22–23 — We’ll celebrate February birthdays by writing them personal cards and delivering them to their doors with a treat.